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Suave Standard library (SUAVE-STD) is a collection of helpful contracts and libraries to build Suapps.


To install with Foundry:

forge install flashbots/suave-std



Helper library that defines types and utilities to interact with Ethereum transaction types.

Example usage​

Encode an EIP155 transaction:

import "suave-std/Transactions.sol";

contract Example {
function example() public {
Transactions.EIP155 memory legacyTxn0;
// fill the transaction fields = address(0x095E7BAea6a6c7c4c2DfeB977eFac326aF552d87);
legacyTxn0.gas = 50000;
// ...

// Encode to RLP
bytes memory rlp = Transactions.encodeRLP(legacyTxn0);

// Decode from RLP
Transactions.EIP155 memory txn = Transactions.decodeRLP_EIP155(rlp);

Sign an EIP-1559 transaction:

import "suave-std/Transactions.sol";

contract Example {
function example() public {
string memory signingKey = "b71c71a67e1177ad4e901695e1b4b9ee17ae16c6668d313eac2f96dbcda3f291";

Transactions.EIP1559Request memory txnRequest; = address(0x095E7BAea6a6c7c4c2DfeB977eFac326aF552d87);
txnRequest.gas = 50000;
txnRequest.maxPriorityFeePerGas = 10;
// ...

Transactions.EIP1559 memory signedTxn = Transactions.signTxn(txnRequest, signingKey);


Helper library to interact with the Suave context in the MEVM.

Available functions:

  • confidentialInputs(): Returns the confidential inputs of the offchain request.
  • kettleAddress(): Address of the kettle that is executing the offchain request.

Example usage​

import "suave-std/Context.sol";

contract Example {
function example() public {
bytes memory inputs = Context.confidentialInputs();
address kettle = Context.kettleAddress();


Helper library to interact with contracts from other chains.

Example usage​

import "suave-std/Gateway.sol";

contract Example {
function example() public {
// query the beacon chain deposit contract
Gateway gateway = new Gateway("http://<jsonrpc endpoint>", address(0x00000000219ab540356cBB839Cbe05303d7705Fa));
DepositContract depositContract = DepositContract(address(gateway));

bytes memory count = depositContract.get_deposit_count();

interface DepositContract {
function get_deposit_count() external view returns (bytes memory);


Helper library to send bundle requests with the Mev-Share protocol.

Example usage​

import "suave-std/protocols/MevShare.sol";
import "suave-std/Transactions.sol";

contract Example {
function example() public {
Transactions.EIP155 memory legacyTxn0;
// fill the transaction fields = address(0x095E7BAea6a6c7c4c2DfeB977eFac326aF552d87);
legacyTxn0.gas = 50000;
// ...

bytes memory rlp = Transactions.encodeRLP(legacyTxn0);

MevShare.Bundle memory bundle;
bundle.bodies = new bytes[](1);
bundle.bodies[0] = rlp;
// ...

MevShare.sendBundle("http://<relayer-url>", bundle);


Helper library to interact with the Ethereum JsonRPC protocol.

Example usage​

import "suave-std/protocols/EthJsonRPC.sol";

contract Example {
function example() public {
EthJsonRPC jsonrpc = new EthJsonRPC("http://...");


Helper library to send completion requests to ChatGPT.

import "suave-std/protocols/ChatGPT.sol";

contract Example {
function example() public {
ChatGPT chatgpt = new ChatGPT("apikey");

ChatGPT.Message[] memory messages = new ChatGPT.Message[](1);
messages[0] = ChatGPT.Message(ChatGPT.Role.User, "How do I write a Suapp with suave-std?");


Forge integration​

In order to use forge, you need to have a running Suave node and the suave binary in your path.

To run Suave in development mode, use the following command:

$ suave --suave.eth.external-whitelist='*'

Then, your forge scripts/test must import the SuaveEnabled contract from the suave-std/Test.sol file.

import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import "suave-std/Test.sol";
import "suave-std/suavelib/Suave.sol";

contract TestForge is Test, SuaveEnabled {
address[] public addressList = [0xC8df3686b4Afb2BB53e60EAe97EF043FE03Fb829];

function testConfidentialStore() public {
Suave.DataRecord memory record = Suave.newDataRecord(0, addressList, addressList, "namespace");

bytes memory value = abi.encode("suave works with forge!");
Suave.confidentialStore(, "key1", value);

bytes memory found = Suave.confidentialRetrieve(, "key1");
assertEq(keccak256(found), keccak256(value));

Confidential inputs​

Use the setConfidentialInputs function to set the confidential inputs during tests.

import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import "src/Test.sol";
import "src/suavelib/Suave.sol";

contract TestForge is Test, SuaveEnabled {
function testConfidentialInputs() public {
bytes memory input = hex"abcd";

bytes memory found2 = Suave.confidentialInputs();
assertEq0(input, found2);

The value for the confidential inputs gets reset for each test.