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Cross-Chain Suapps

It is often the case that Suapps need to connect to two (or more!) different blockchains in order to be effective.


The other option is to spoof Ethereum L1 (or chains like it) using Anvil, a tool which is also well suited to making your cross-chain life easier.

For this reason, we maintain a fork of foundry which specifically implements suavex_call. The historical context for this tool can be found in this forum post.

The idea is that, instead of running your own L1 node, you simply run Anvil via an RPC provider, and use that to test any croos chain interactions:

  1. clone the repo & go into its directory:
git clone
cd suavex-foundry
  1. run anvil with cargo:
cargo run --bin anvil -- -p 8555 --chain-id 1 -f $RPC_URL

The creator of suavex-foundry wrote an example Suapp called unisuapp, which features a simple intent-based public mempool and solver-driven intent execution using Uniswap v2. Unisuapp illustrates well how to use suavex-foundry to test Suapps that work across chains. You can get it running by following these steps:

  1. Clone the repo and enter its directory
git clone
cd unisuapp
  1. Populate .env, which uses pre-funded default accounts
echo "L1_CHAIN_ID=1
SUAVE_RPC_URL=http://localhost:8545" > .env
  1. Install solidity dependencies & build contracts
forge install
forge build
  1. Install NPM dependencies
bun install
  1. Run suave-geth with the external-whitelist flag:
suave-geth --suave.eth.external-whitelist='*'
  1. Run the script with DEPLOY set to deploy the contracts. Deployed contract address will be saved to addresses.json:
DEPLOY=true bun run index.ts
  1. Run the script again without deploying to see the logic at work:
bun run index.ts


There is a kurtosis setup for the private Order Flow Auction Suapp example: this example demonstrates the flexibility and power of SUAVE, as it happens across two different chains, which creates some infrastructure and testing challenges. Kurtosis + Docker is one way to make this slightly easier and ensure that you have all the services running that you need to execute and test all your Suapp's intended actions.