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Turn Existing Contracts Into Suapps

Our goal in this tutorial is to take the Counter.sol starter contract in Forge and turn it into a fully functioning Suapp.


Ideally, this tutorial contains what you need to know to turn your existing smart contracts into Suapps. In order to demonstrate the essentials, let's start a new project and work with the standard Forge templates.

mkdir suapp && cd suapp 
forge init
forge install flashbots/suave-std

Adjust Counter.sol​

Delete the contents of src/Counter.sol and copy the following snippet into the file:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

import "suave-std/suavelib/Suave.sol";
import {Suapp} from "suave-std/Suapp.sol";

contract Counter is Suapp {
uint256 public number;

event NumberSet(uint256 number);

modifier confidential() {
"function must be called confidentially"

function onSetNumber(uint256 newNumber) external emitOffchainLogs {
number = newNumber;

function setNumber() public confidential returns (bytes memory) {
bytes memory data = Suave.confidentialInputs();
uint256 newNumber = abi.decode(data, (uint256));
emit NumberSet(newNumber);
return abi.encodeWithSelector(this.onSetNumber.selector, newNumber);

We've adjusted setNumber and changed increment to onSetNumber.

onSetNumber behaves like our "onchain" function from previous tutorials, and updates the number stored in our smart contract. As you'll see shortly, we don't call this function directly (though we could, but the inputs would be public).


The "onchain" functions we've been usng throughout our docs are required to be public, which may present a challenge in certain use cases where you want to always restrict who can call them. A community contributor solved this by restricting access to methods with a modifier requiring a secret. It's called ConfidentialControl and you can see an example usage here.

setNumber is executed by a user sending a CCR and behaves like the "offchain" functions from previous tutorials.

Make sure to remove test/Counter.t.sol: we won't need it for this example.

Now you can build the new contract and deploy it (make sure suave-geth is running locally so you have somewhere to deploy to):

forge build
suave-geth spell deploy Counter.sol:Counter

You should see an output like this:

INFO [06-26|18:36:34.957] Running with local devchain settings 
INFO [06-26|18:36:34.970] Hash of the result onchain transaction hash=0xf92a68badb9cdd8325b5ac3de9a3892de3531ae67f0480f9bbfe14487aedd960
INFO [06-26|18:36:34.970] Waiting for the transaction to be mined...
INFO [06-26|18:36:35.073] Transaction mined status=1 blockNum=1
INFO [06-26|18:36:35.073] Contract deployed address=0xd594760B2A36467ec7F0267382564772D7b0b7

Finally, set the address your contract was deployed at as a env variable:

export COUNTER_ADDRESS=<your_contract_address>

Using the Typescript SDK​

Building your own frontend for this new Counter.sol contract can take a great variety of forms. Therefore, rather than assume a framework for you, we'll demonstrate how to write generic Typescript to interact with your contract, which you can use in whichever frontend framework you prefer.

We also maintain a Golang SDK if you would prefer to use that.

Let's create an index.ts file to demonstrate. Paste the below code into it:

import {
type Address,
type Hex
} from '@flashbots/suave-viem';
import {
type TransactionRequestSuave
} from '@flashbots/suave-viem/chains/utils';
import Counter from "./out/Counter.sol/Counter.json";

const SUAVE_RPC_URL = 'http://localhost:8545';
const suaveProvider = getSuaveProvider(http(SUAVE_RPC_URL));

// create a wallet with the pre-funded devenet account
const PRIVATE_KEY: Hex =
const wallet = getSuaveWallet({
transport: http(SUAVE_RPC_URL),
privateKey: PRIVATE_KEY,

async function main() {
if (!process.env.COUNTER_ADDRESS) {
throw new Error('COUNTER_ADDRESS env var must be set');
const counterAddress = process.env.COUNTER_ADDRESS as Address;

async onTransactions(transactions) {
for (const hash of transactions) {
try {
const receipt = await suaveProvider.getTransactionReceipt({hash});
console.log('Transaction Receipt:', receipt);
if (receipt.status === 'success' && receipt.logs.length > 0) {
const decodedLogs = decodeEventLog({
abi: Counter.abi,
console.log("decoded logs", decodedLogs)
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching receipt:', error);

const gasPrice = await suaveProvider.getGasPrice();

const ccr: TransactionRequestSuave = {
to: counterAddress,
value: 0n,
gas: 690000n,
type: '0x43',
data: encodeFunctionData({
abi: Counter.abi,
functionName: "setNumber",
confidentialInputs: encodeAbiParameters([
{type: 'uint256'}
], [
kettleAddress: "0xB5fEAfbDD752ad52Afb7e1bD2E40432A485bBB7F",

await wallet.sendTransaction(ccr);


The most critical part to understand is crafting and sending Confidential Compute Requests:

  1. We specify transaction type 0x43 to indicate that this is a Confidential Compute Request.
  2. We send the request to our smart contract (counterAddress) to call setNumber with confidential inputs.
  3. We call the setNumber function by ABI-encoding the function call in the data field, the same as you would for an ethereum transaction.
  4. We specify isEIP712 (a boolean which defaults to true above), to signify that the request should be signed as EIP712 signed typed data. This is particularly useful as it allows users to interact with Suave without ever changing their RPC endpoint. We recommend you always set it to true.
  5. We provide our confidential data (also ABI-encoded) in the confidentialInputs field; this data is not revealed publicly, and is only known to the kettle.
  6. The kettleAddress we use is specific to the local devnet. On a public testnet, this value is different. If you're looking for that address you can find it here.

confidentialInputs is a field to store information that should be kept private during computation, and the data field is the typical calldata required to interact with a dapp.

You can see more examples of how to craft your own CCRs in the examples directory of suave-viem.

There are two ways to run this file: you can either use bun or, if you don't want to install a new tool, we can work around with Node:

bun add @flashbots/suave-viem
bun run index.ts

In either case, you should see something like this printed to your terminal:

Transaction Receipt: {
blockHash: "0xee533da6fad9ae95b7b3f5dd74711d011b0c984490274b3936159c5555e72e32",
blockNumber: 7n,
contractAddress: null,
cumulativeGasUsed: 120532n,
effectiveGasPrice: 4200000000n,
from: "0xbe69d72ca5f88acba033a063df5dbe43a4148de0",
gasUsed: 120532n,
logs: [
address: "0xd594760b2a36467ec7f0267382564772d7b0b73c",
topics: [ "0x9ec8254969d1974eac8c74afb0c03595b4ffe0a1d7ad8a7f82ed31b9c8542591"
data: "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000d",
blockNumber: 7n,
transactionHash: "0x98619cc542c1aa6d427e4ce6edbb4eeef5d98c0dcf96f094fe93be28632b582b",
transactionIndex: 0,
blockHash: "0xee533da6fad9ae95b7b3f5dd74711d011b0c984490274b3936159c5555e72e32",
logIndex: 0,
removed: false,
logsBloom: "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000400000004000000000000000000000080000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
status: "success",
to: "0xd594760b2a36467ec7f0267382564772d7b0b73c",
transactionHash: "0x98619cc542c1aa6d427e4ce6edbb4eeef5d98c0dcf96f094fe93be28632b582b",
transactionIndex: 0,
type: "0x50",
decoded logs {
eventName: "NumberSet",
args: {
number: 13n,

Congratulations! You've just built your first working Suapp! πŸ’ƒ